
How to create sustainable economic growth?

At the beginning of December 2012 Melotte attended several interactive events with focus on shaping the green economic thinking from the base in a creative manner.  
It was a pleasure for Mr Mario Fleurinck, CEO Melotte NV, to meet keynote speaker Mr. José Manuel Barroso (current President of the European Union) at the Voka Congress 2012, Flanders’ Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in Brussels. "Time for extra growth" was the topic of the congress emphasizing the significant role of the enterprises.
Together with other experts like Mr Koen Dejonckheere (Gimv) and Mr Ignace Van Doorselaere (Van de Velde) Mario Fleurinck represented the company Melotte during the debate about the Power of Growth and Live Voting by the audience.
That same week in GreenVille (Houthalen, Belgium), the monumental main building of the ancient coalmine, a ZERI (°) training took place within the vision of the Bleu Economy. The main objective was to select and analyse 8 concrete business models and implement them rapidly in 2013.
Mr. Gunter Pauli (Founder of ZERI) explains: “ It is mainly a method or way of thinking for shaping an idea into a business that both serves the needs of our society and is able to be competitive due to the use of local resources." 
(°) ZERI is a global network of creative minds seeking solutions to world challenges
It is no coincidence that Mr Pauli chose GreenVille as training location since it is playing a significant role in the roll out of Limburg as an important European Cleantech (*) region where trainings are organised with experts to initiate people into all aspects of CleanTech giving them insight how transition to CleanTech can lead to a sustainable community.
(*) Cleantech is a famous abbreviation of “Clean Technologies” which is a collective noun of products, services and processes based on technologies that optimize the use of natural sources and minimize the environmntal impact.

Today Melotte is proud to announce that Mr Dirk Vandereyt (Melotte Outsourcing and R&D Engineer) was one of the trainees who succeeded in becoming a CleanTech Ambassador (CTA) with expertise in explaining and inspiring others the importance of transition of manufacturing as well as consumption patterns.  

"Congratulations, Dirk!"